Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fwd: Carta de Elder Thatcher 04-21-09

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacob Thatcher <elderthatcher@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 1:39 PM
Subject: Carta de Elder Thatcher 04-21-09
To: thatchercolton@hotmail.com, Kni07001@byui.edu, wes07006@byui.edu, suzysumm@gmail.com, runmts@gmail.com, elderthatcher@gmail.com, cliffhucker@gmail.com, dmhansen@ida.net, runmts@ida.net, summercofarms@gmail.com, annalisesummers@msn.com, gramlaree@gmail.com, bethatch@gmail.com, isavethewhales@gmail.com, shaleesummers@hotmail.com, tannernelson@gmail.com, mikts@docomo.ne.jp, skylaw@ida.net, crazygr8@msn.com, WOODS@byui.edu, shansummers@gmail.com

Well, I have written a lot this week, so I will send a couple of pictures, and leave it at that, but know that this week has been very good.


This week has been one in which I have recognized many faults in my personality, and in my language, which is very good, because only when we recognize our faults are we able to fix them.

This week we had zone conference in Caxias, 11/2 away. It was a good conference; we talked about the importance of studying. How each person should have a study journal. That is all the doctrine and a covenant is! A study journal of the prophet Joseph smith. And how, the mission is the only time in ones life, in which we can devote 100% of our study towards the scriptures, very cool, and one in which was very inspiring.

But, I must confess, that the best part of the conference was the 6 packages I received. 1 from gram Shan, 1 from miki, and 4 from home. Marking the end of a VERY long and hectic spell of being without money. I have learned how to love on almost no money, I am very impressed with my self, although I am excited to eat fruit, and some fillet million now, instead of rice J

We had a fantastic activity this week. One in which we have been planning for the last two months. With the focal point the book of Mormon. How each person should recognize the importance of the book of Mormon, how it is a powerful tool in missionary work. It was obvious that Satan did not want us to do this activity. He tried each and every means possible to try to prevent it from taking place, from loosing documents, to weak leadership. Very frustrating. The marked night finally came. And of course it was raining, the number 1 deterrent for members coming to church. Especially on 45 degree angle slopes J the leadership of the ward was there, and the people involved in the activity, yet no members and it was almost time for it to start. We found a room, and kneeled down, and literally, with the priesthood power commanded the rain to stop, and members to come.

The rain stopped, and the members came---about 70 percent of the ward. A great turnout. The activity was a HUGE success. We divided into 3 groups, and did a rotating circle of 3 workshops each 15 minutes a piece, monitored by the bell. 1 taught about how the book of Mormon is a testimony---I had copied the film Francisco de Franchezca from another missionary, they watch a part, the second workshop focused on through small and simple things great things are brought to pass—they watched another one of my films about how the book of Mormon changes lives. The final was a workshop designed to teach people how to adequately deliver the book of Mormon. People were crying because the spirit was so strong.

                Afterwards, we introduced a challenge. We handed out 40 books of Mormons. And challenged the people to deliver them within 40 days. I made a calendar with 40 days, and during this period of time, families have the opportunity to fast for inspiration, on how to deliver it. Similar to Torres, what we did there (by the way, a huge success) the idea is that we will do a 40 day long, unbroken fast in the ward. I also made a calendar, the same type, with scriptures related to missionary work, that people can read.

Things are moving forward here. We found 1 family this week that I am certain will be baptized, another family like that of germán's (was baptized in Torres) there names are: Kisi, Erdorado, Isabella, Michael, Luciana. Pray for them!!!

By the way, the photos are of a soccer stadium that we passed by in Caxias do sul, a member family, that is very special, we did a family home evening with them, and the turnout at the activity.

Love you all!



Monday, March 9, 2009


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacob Thatcher <elderthatcher@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:42 AM
Subject: Re:
To: thatchercolton@hotmail.com, Kni07001@byui.edu, wes07006@byui.edu, suzysumm@gmail.com, runmts@gmail.com, elderthatcher@gmail.com, cliffhucker@gmail.com, dmhansen@ida.net, runmts@ida.net, summercofarms@hotmail.com, annalisesummers@msn.com, gramlaree@gmail.com, bethatch@gmail.com, isavethewhales@gmail.com, shaleesummers@hotmail.com, tannernelson@gmail.com, mikts@docomo.ne.jp, skylaw@ida.net, crazygr8@msn.com

Dear Family, from Bento Gonçalves! I am trying my hardest right now to not swear. I wrote 3 pages of what I was doing, where I am, and what has happened in the last week. Two hours of work. I was just getting ready to send it. I had it saved on Microsoft word. Safe ehh??? Well, I was just adding some pictures, and it died. The freaking computer froze on me. I thought it was saved, so I restarted the computer, but because it is the computer in the Lan House it erased everything. 3 whole pages of work.

I don't know what to do. I am beyond frustrated.

Know that I love you all

So, I am writing from my new city in Bento Gonçalves. A Terra do Vinho, or the land of the wine. The city was founded by Italians in the late 1800. And appears as such. Sometimes I have to ask myself, am I in Europe or Brazil? Sometimes when we think of Brazil we think, starving kids, rain forest, animals, etc, but here it is exactly the opposite. Big city, 110,000 inhabitants, and all of them are white and proud Catholics. The majority of them still speak Italian in their houses, although I hear that it is a diluted form… but still, very cool.

So Tuesday morning I left alone for Porto Alegre, where I hooked up with other elders. I was handed my ticket, and boarded the bus for a two hour bus ride for here.

This is the hilliest city I have ever seen. I don't think there is a flat space here. I went from 2 months doing nothing physical in the ctm, to a city on the beach at 0 degrees altitude, now I am at 700 meters above sea level, and my heart is feeling it.

I am so sorry; I have lost all incentive to write. I really did write a good letter, and I SAVED it!

My new companion is Elder Pelligrini, an Italian descendent, that doesn't speak hardly any English, so my Portuguese has to improve now.

Here I feel a little jyped. In Torres things were starting to happen. We had 10 people with dates to be baptized, and the family that I spoke about last week; with the dad from Bolivia did family home evening with us last Monday night. While we were walking to the Bairds house the parents said to us that they had talked the night before and wanted to follow our religion. We just about feel backwards on top of our head! SO here in bento they don't have hardly any investigators. The president told me this was a burned out city… I don't know what they elders have been doing, but they only have 3 or 4 old investigators, and no new ones. So we are trying extra hard to make contacts and find new people. In fact, that's basically all we have been doing, we don't have anybody to teach.  I think the key for this area is the members. Last Sunday at church there were 143 people. The ward is strong, and they are about to get a stake center. The problem is, according to the bishop that the church has cut the budget for the construction of new buildings here in Brazil by 60% maybe the crisis is a bit worse then we think! Anyway, we are going to try to work with all the members, they have lived here for a long time, and know a bunch of people.

We had family home evening with one family Saturday night. It was very good. We gave a lesson about families, and how they are eternal. I told the story about Alexander the great

When he was about to die he asked all his generals to come in and talk to him. He requested 3 things

1)      That the pathway to his seplicure would be paved with the treasures that he had gained during his life

2)      That the best doctors in the world would carry his coffin

3)      That his hands would be left out of the coffin, hanging.

One of the generals asked why?

Alexander responded. Because

1)      I want to show that all the treasures that I gained in this life, not one of them I was able to take with me

2)      Not one of the best doctors in the world was able to save me from death

3)      Into this world I came with empty hands, and out of this world I will go also

We taught how families are one of the only things that we can take with us in the life to come.

Again, I am so sorry, but if I was to rewrite everything I wouldn't have time for anything else, and my companion would go insane

Love you all, and until next week, Jacob


Fwd: 6 months! leave for new area! Carta de Elder Thatcher 2-23-09

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacob Thatcher <elderjthatcher@myldsmail.net>
Date: Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 2:11 PM
Subject: 6 months! leave for new area! Carta de Elder Thatcher 2-23-09
To: mthatchercolton@hotmail.com, Kni07001@byui.edu, wes07006@byui.edu, suzysumm@gmail.com, runmts@gmail.com, elderthatcher@gmail.com, cliffhucker@gmail.com, dmhansen@ida.net, runmts@ida.net, summercofarms@hotmail.com, annalisesummers@msn.com, gramlaree@gmail.com, bethatch@gmail.com, isavethatwhales@gmail.com, shaleesummers@hotmail.com, tannernelson@gmail.com, mikts@docomo.ne.jp, skylaw@ida.net, crazygr8@msn.com

Hello family and friends from Torres Brazil!
This will be the last time I write to you from Torres! The zone leaders called today and said I will be transferred! I loved it here in Torres, what an awesome city, very difficult, but I learned and grew so much. I know that the lord sent me here in Torres, from the people I have met, and the things I have learned, that only I could have learned here.
I will leave for Porto Alegre tomorrow morning at 10! Sózinho!!!! Alone!!! Without a companion! What an adventure. I have been under the watchful guidance of a companion for 6 months, and now for 7 hours I will be alone, by myself, in a foreign country, I feel like a baby that has to leave his mom for the first time to nursery. Not only will I be alone, I will be alone on a bus with the prettiest women in Brazil….. Brother I don't like to mock Satan and his temptations, but, who was I to ever make a move or do anything that involved girls???
I guess, the reason that I will go to Porto ALegre by myself is that Torres is the farthest city away from the mission, and there aren't any other missionaries close by… oh well, something out of the ordinary, an adventure. Elder Simoes will stay with Elder and Sister Baird until his new companion will arrive. I will know where I am going tomorrow morning at the bus station.
So DO NOT send any letters to the Torres address, send them all to Porto Alegre until I can tell you where I am.
This week has been a good one, although the hottest yet. Right now is equivalent to just before grain harvest, so if that gives you an idea, just times your idea by 10 
I am now 6 months into my mission. When I look back I think, holy smokes, I have learned a lot, but then when I think of every single individual day---pheww! I wish I knew more, but then when I think that I will still learn 3/4ths more then I already know, it gives me comfort. I will finally know the language the day I board the airplane.
It is a little difficult to leave here. This was my primeira area, so I will always have a special place for it in my heart. It is also difficult, because we are teaching two families in particular that will be baptized. I am a little sad that I wasn't able to get a little more action here, but I gave it my all, and I know that I planted lots of seeds that will one day grow, and bear fruits.
I know I was sent here in particular because of one family, perhaps I have already spoken about them… German, Izonette, and their 3 kids. The day I made the contact with them it was almost like I was drawn to him. I veered from one side of the street and made the contact with this guy. Actually he is boliviano, and doesn't speak very good portugues, his wife, however is Brazilian, and the family lives here permanently. They are basically living the gospel, and don't even know it. The first 3 times we went there (with elder Abdo, my first comp) we talked and talked, they are so curious, and interested in our lives, and the church. Because of this we have formed a strong friendship (just like ammon, he didn't go there and preach right off the batt) finally, now, we are starting to do some real teaching. Yesterday, I used the "this is my last Sunday here" line, and got the WHOLE family to come to church. It was a great day there, finally some luck, and help from the spirit. The speakers were exactly what they needed to hear, and everyone was very accepting. Tonight we will have family home evening with them and watch the testament, about the book of Mormon (he is big on the Inca, Aztec stuff) and do smores.

Speaking about smores. This week was hilarious. As a going away/FHE, We organized a family home evening with two inactive families and an investigator. I bought hot dogs (they are way cheap, 1.20 dollars a kilo. (Probably made out of stray dogs) and smores. We made a fire, and tried to roast them. It was so funny to watch these brazillions standing around the fires trying to roast hot dogs like a pansy. Even my companion had never lighted a fire in his life, and was holding the hot dog right in the middle of the flame… Anyway, every thought it was so cool to do a "Churrasco Americano" American barbeque, and love the smores. The message was good as well, about job, and how god blesses us with trials.
Well, I will sign off from Torres for the last time.
Where I right for the next time I do not know…
But I love you all, and will pray for you.

By the way, I had one of the members do a Brazilian face book for me… it is on www.mormons-br.ning.com  --- search Elder J Thatcher.
Tried to add picutres, but the church email sucks... if I can say that :)
Until next week, Jacob
The following is my letter to the president... maybe you can understand a little bit---who knows, My help was Microsoft word…
Querido Presidente,
Eu recebi uma ligação hoje que eu vou embora. Bem triste, uma cidade, um ramo maravilhoso. Eu tenho aprendido muito aqui, que eu acredito que eu não tenho aprendido em qualquer outro lugar. Eu sei que eu fui mandado aqui por meio de inspiração, Obrigado pelo Amor, e orientação que o senhor tem.
Eu estou muito animado por minha próxima área. Eu vou começar fazendo as coisas que eu aprendi  aqui.
E eu me sinto pronto para sair aqui, como eu cumpri meu chamado.
Eu estou muito bem, gostando mais a cada dia deste país e língua, só não tenho paciência... mas eu sei que por meio do Senhor eu posso aprender esta língua.
Essa semana foi ótima! Nos levamos uma família nova para a igreja. Eles são bem especiais, e tem muito potencial.
Eu acho que este ramo precisa mais famílias. Uma das coisas que eu aprendi aqui é a importância das famílias na igreja - por isto a igreja existe. Quando nós levamos  famílias para a igreja estamos fortificando todas os programas, a primaria, etc., eles vão ficar mas fortes  quando eles forem batizados.
Eu estou pronto para trabalhar em minha próxima área!
Desculpe pelos erros em minha carta. Espero que dê para entender!
Elder J. Thatcher

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fwd: Carta do elder thatcher

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacob Thatcher <elderjthatcher@myldsmail.net>
Date: Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:07 AM
Subject: Carta do elder thatcher
To: kni07001@byui.edu, wes07006@byui.edu, suzysumm@gmail.com, cliffhucker@gmail.com, dmhansen@ida.net, runmts@ida.net, gordon@beardstclair.com, summercofarms@gmail.com, annalisesummers@msn.com, gramlaree@gmail.com, bethatch@gamail.com, isavethewhales@gmail.com, shaleesummers@hotmail.com, tannernelson@gmail.com, skylaw@ida.net, elderthatcher@gmail.com, gspotatoman@gmail.com, crazygr8@msn.com, mikts@docomo.ne.jp


Dear Family,
Well, I AM officially 1/4th the way done, I can't believe it, 6 months down. I will be transferred this next week, I think, I don't know where; the president said if I am transferred it will be to a very strong area, with lots of baptisms. I am excited, but overwhelmed. I don't feel comfortable enough in the language to leave the safety of the members here in Torres…
I remember thinking at our terra vista house on the hill, I will go on a mission in 9 years, what it will be like, and will I ever be old enough to drive a car, go and serve the lord without my parents.  I remember all of this like it was yesterday. Time is passing, it is our enemy.
This week has been an interesting one. We have explored some of the small towns around Torres, finding inactive members, and contacting people that have requested visits.
Last P-day, after writing you we went and bought ½ kilo of shrimp 4 dollars, fried it and ate rice and shrimp. Afterwards I took an hour nap, the first real nap on the mission, and boy was it nice!
My favorite day of the week, and it has been pretty much my whole life has to be Wednesday, because it is always busy. It's in the middle of the week, so you are neither burned out yet, but are back into the groove of the week after the weakened. It is the same usually here on the mission. I love Wednesdays, I don't know why, but we always feel up our day with appointments. Usually we can just go from one to the other.
This Wednesday was an exception. We had it all planned out, but had bad karma. In Our English class we only had 4 people; usually we have 6 or 7. And afterwards, we had an appointment with one of our investigators, named tatiane, and her daughter in the church. We were going to show them around, and show them a film about an overall vision of the church. Wouldn't you know, they didn't show up? This was the overall pattern throughout the day. We did teach one good lesson with Neli, the older lady we baptized and her husband zilco, who is slow at accepting the truth, but is defiantly coming along. We taught about god's love for us, and how we have an eternal father in heaven, that sent us his son to save us from our sins. I thought I taught fairly well, but when I asked my companion how he thought it went he said, that HE couldn't understand some of the things I was saying---which would make it almost impossible for the old ones to understand--- I think it was because I was thinking in English, making it sound really pretty, and it was just not translating right. Oh well, learned my lesson
Friday was an awesome day. At 8:30 we met at the church to mow the lawn with the Bairds and Marciano---the guy that looks like Kelly Thompson. Everyone was late, but my comp and I started, with the wimpy electric weed eater—they don't have normal grass here. It is basically quack grass that they grow. The grass was probably 1 foot tall---pathetic if you ask me---and the gutter had weeds up to my crotch. How are you supposed to bring investigators to church---and impress them if the church house, the house of the lord is like this? (Refer to my talk in sacrament latter on) So I thought, enough is enough, we went to town, weed eating, trimming bushes, etc. I started to shovel out the dirt of the gutter, and but didn't have anywhere to put it, I was hoping that a carriage would come by, and what do you know, someone came buy and said, for 10 reals I will take the dirt away. IT looks 100 times better.
Afterwards we went, without showering or nothing Marciano's house took showers and had lunch. We had planned to go and visit members 20 miles away---but they had one excuse after another. First it was they didn't have money for gas--- I told them I would pay—I did. Then they took a nap, and we put together a bed for them. FINALLY at 5:00 we went to Bela Torres—a small beachside city about 20 miles away on a rough cobblestone road. We found a family of inactive that want to go back to church, but are too busy---according to them right now.
Perhaps the biggest cultural difference between Americans and Brazilians is that they are WAY easy going, they won't hurry for ANYTHING. This drives me nuts. Finally we finished and headed, on foot for the other side of town---taught a lesson about the scriptures---how we should read the last words, most important words of the prophets.
Saturday, was another day of finding members. I was totally reminded about the parable that Christ gave about leaving the 99 sheep to find the lost 1. Saturday we went with elder Baird to find inactive members. We have a special calling here in Torres, the president wants put special emphasis on finding the inactive. The church has been shut down in Torres 6 times in the past 20 years, it has left the members, because of this, and there are many that haven't returned. So, we continued a search with elder Baird that we started last week.
       Here is an account of our two most recent searching's for inactive
Last week, we had an old address of a guilherme--- after much searching; we were lead to another subdivision, where he moved 3 years ago. From there they said he was living with his father in the boate (STRIP CLUB) imagine missionaries having to go to a strip club to find a member. We got as far as clapping our hands at the entrance… actually very funny, but we didn't make the contact with him. I don't know what we will have to do. Hopefully not go to the strip club �
The other, we hiked our tails off. Joao Batista. We were lead to 3 different neighborhoods, two days worth, but we finally found him, in the middle of the country.
I don't know what to say, I want to help find lost members, but when we do this, we are losing time finding those that may accept the gospel. How many chances do we give?
Our mission is the lowest baptizing mission in Brazil, but we have the highest retention rate. So, some missions, who baptize 20 people, only 7 stay active. Ours baptizes 20 and 18 stay active.
Saturday, elder Baird asked me to give a talk Sunday- jeez, thanks for the notice � but I pulled together talk, about Satan, how he attacks our bodies and our families, because he doesn't have one. And, how if this branch wants to grow, we must get our lives in order D&C 119:88, and grow from the inside out. For example, cutting the grass, having good lessons, etc. I talked for 23 minutes! Brother!
I also gave a lesson on covenants that we make, Mosiah 18- the baptismal covenant, and the anti-nefi-lehites, and the covenant that they made.
Yesterday was another day of walking in the country. We had one reference of a member, Lucia, that we went looking for. A very humble family that lives 5 of them in a 20 foot by 20 foot room. They are trying to build a house, but say that every time they have tried, something bad happens. They asked us if there were demons there… They used to practice spiritualism, which is very popular here. People think that they can talk to spirits. They probably are---to the angels of the devil. So I wouldn't be surprised if they really are jinxed.
Another family we found yesterday lives even farther off the beaten path. Another missionary, met her in his area, he called us and gave us her address. Her husband basically is holding her prisoner, won't let her leave the house, or basically do anything. He wasn't at home yesterday, so we taught her. We read her Isaiah 42:9-13, God will fight our battles; we will help us and bless us. She is a little cooky, but we made another appointment for this Saturday.
Love you all, Jacob

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fwd: Carta De Elder Thatcher 2-3-09

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacob Thatcher <elderjthatcher@myldsmail.net>
Date: Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:09 AM
Subject: Carta De Elder Thatcher 2-3-09
To: kni07001@byui.edu, wes07006@byui.edu, suzysumm@gmail.com, cliffhucker@gmail.com, dmhansen@ida.net, runmts@ida.net, gordon@beardstclair.com, summercofarms@gmail.com, annalisesummers@gmail.com, gramlaree@gmail.com, bethatch@gamil.com, isavethewhales@gmail.com, shaleesummers@hotmail.com, tannernelson@gmail.com, skylaw@ida.net, elderthatcher@gmail.com

Dear Family,
Well, the weeks are still sliding by, they aren't even thinking about slowing down. Time is always our enemy, if we want it to slow down it will speed up. If we want it to speed up it will slow down. I guess the only way we could possibly be friends with time is if we learned how to live with the speeding ways of life, while savoring every moment
My thoughts are now, PLEASE slow down time! I want to learn the language, the lessons, etc. then once I know everything I know how to be one heck of a missionary, then time can speed up.
It is interesting; from every single companion I learn a different attribute. My first companion, Elder Harding, was a slacker, but he was funny and charismatic. My second, elder abdo, was quite, patient, and had a loving heart—but a fiery temper and a little bit of a dry personality and lazy. Now, my third companion, elder simôes, is all my companions combined. I would say the attribute I will and am learning from him is courage, and conviction. He is so forward. I think even more of a type red personality then me. He will say exactly what he thinks, whether to our investigators, me or the members. I always liked someone that would speak their mind, but it is a little strange because I am not accustomed to it. For example, this morning. I left the light on in the bedroom. He promptly said---can you please turn off the light when you are not using the room? You might call it a lack of temperance—and sometimes…most the time it is… but I am stating to say freak! I will tell you what I think too! For example, please wash the dishes that have been in the sink for a week (no kidding) I will not wash everyone of your dishes.
       He is also follows every single rule, and knows every single one. What a good match for me! He knows preach my gospel back and forth, and is helping me learn the lessons better. He also is helping my polish my sloppy language. Elder Abdo would just correct me if I didn't understand, elder simões will correct me with all of my grammar and word order—in which I am SO grateful, how am I supposed to learn if I don't know what I am doing wrong.
       Yesterday we had family home evening with to less active sisters in our ward and their daughters. It is so sad, one Lucia, has SO much faith, but life is just out to get her. She is seriously reminding me of the Job in the bible. She has a million health problems---one surgery after another. Her husband comes home drunk and mean every night. Her daughter has health problems—in the mind, her son is addicted to crack, and her grand daughter with 14 anos is going to give birth any day now. Last night her boyfriend kicked her out of her house, so she was crying like crazy during Family home evening.
       The other sister lives in the ghetto of the town; she came to Lucia's house. Her name is Shirley. She works basically 24/7 as a chef at a local restaurant
       We taught about eternal life. What it is, what we must do to obtain it, and why we want it in this life.
Matthew 19: 16-26 (I think) about the rich young man, and how he wasn't willing to give up all he possessed to follow Christ and have eternal life.
Alma 22:15-16 how king lamoni was willing to give up his entire kingdom to have eternal life.
What are we willing to give up obtaining eternal life? Where are our priorities? Is it on loving our neighbor, being temperate and happy all the time? Or are they on gaining money, etc.
The reality is, Christ says that if we will but FOLLOW HIM, he will give us everything we need in this life, and we will have eternal life.
       We then presented 2 boxes, one wrapped in wrapping paper, very pretty, with rocks inside, the other wrapped in the church news, with chocolates inside. We gave them the choice to choose what they wanted. Denier, the 14 year old pregnant girl chose the more decorated box, she opened it and was disappointed to find rocks. Then Irma Lucia opened the other present, which had more tape on it (representing this life, and how it is difficult to follow the commandments. She opened it and found chocolates. This analogy worked fantastic, illustrating how some times other things appear prettier, more appeasing, like gambling, drugs, sex, breaking the commandments of god. But in the long run, the more difficult way will pay—eternal life will be worth it. Mosiah 2:41 talks about how God gives us commandments to make us happy.
       I have had a good lesson on pride this week. God continually humbles us. I read in Alma 32 (I think) when he is talking to the poor people that were casted out of their synogoes, but they were very HUMBLE. Almas is talking about those that are compelled to be humble and those that are humble on their own free will. And how god will humble us to teach us. The language is defiantly humbling, Just when I think I have got it, it will slap me in the face. Just today I read a whole phrase and didn't understand one word. Brother.
       Life is good. This Chapter in Alma 32, talks about how Alma didn't preach to the rich anymore, when the poor started to listen he preached to them. I feel like this. We have been preaching to the rich for so long. Finally we went to the ghetto (if you can call it the ghetto of Torres) there we found 3 new families to teach Saturday what a blessing!
It has been hotter then every, I am getting more and more tan. I almost look like a Brazilian.
Today I got my haircut, the cabeleira (hair cut lady) tried to give me a kiss. I have already had to deny 10 or 12 here. What a bummer, why can't the girls in the United States come up and try to give guys kisses!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fwd: Carta de Elder Thatcher 1-27-08

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacob Thatcher <elderthatcher@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:49 PM
Subject: Carta de Elder Thatcher 1-27-08
To: suzy summers <suzysumm@gmail.com>, Sam Hansen <cliffhucker@gmail.com>, shansummers@gmail.com, Suzy <suzy@ida.net>, summercofarms@hotmail.com, Micah Thatcher <skiaton@gmail.com>, Rhett Summers <summercofarms@gmail.com>, skylaw@ida.net, shaleesummers@hotmail.com, suzy@rexburgeyes.com, Hannah Thatcher <isavethewhales@gmail.com>, "Knight, Leanna" <kni07001@byui.edu>, LaRee Winn <gramlaree@gmail.com>, annalisesummers@msn.com, Jacob Thatcher <runmts@gmail.com>, wes07006@byui.edu, dmhansen@ida.net, gordon@beardstclair.com, bethatch@cableone.net, Bryce Thatcher <runmts@ida.net>

Dear Family,

Well, it sounds like it went from 60 degrees to -10. What the heck, sounds like global warming.

This week has been fairly normal, well, not really, but I am lazy today, and don't want to write very much, on top of that this keyboard isn't up to much, and I have hardly anytime.

But I want all of you to know that I LOVE YOU, and pray for you every night. The work is moving forward here in Torres, and I can feel all of your prayers back at home.


·         Zone Conference, Division

·         Lost my wallet

·         Church Lessons, scriptures

·         Elder Simôes almost died

·         Word of Wisdom

·         Snowboarding!!!

Well, every 6 weeks we have a division with our zone leaders, I have gone to Gravataí once and stayed here in Torres once. This time, I went to Gravataí to the zone leader's house. We left Torres for Gravati at noon Wednesday, and rode the bus for 3 hours, me and another American from California, Elder Eller. He doesn't speak very good Portuguese, but compared to me, he is flawless in his language, because of this, it was HORRIBLE. When it is me and other Brazilians, I am almost like an idol, people are way impressed, but when the see another American that speaks better then me, even if he has 3 times as much time as me in the mission, they still are harsh… So, two houses consecutively I was battered and rammed, they laughed and said I don't understand. It's WAY frustrating by the end of the second house I felt like I was about the size of Waldo. We taught 3 young teenage girls, and they commenced flirting/ persecuting me… now I know how Joseph Smith felt J

After the division I went with Elder Eller to Zone Conference, there I met up with my Companion again. Conference was extremely good, and I had a good interview with the president. We learned how to use more examples in our lessons.  Afterwards we stuffed ourselves at a buffet restaurant. Restaurants like a chuck a rama are very popular here, and really cheap (4 or 5 American dollars)

So, everyone I am writing to knows that sometimes I can be a scatter brain; one could argue that the following story was an act of "scatterbrainess" but I would argue differently, it was an event that could not have been prevented.

        So after the Zone Conference I, with my companion Elder Simoes loaded the bus for the 3 ½ hour ride for Torres. Of course we were tired out, so immediately we slept. Halfway through the ride, I decided to study. I rummaged through my backpack, which had materials for the zone conference, as well as my 3 day division; needless to say, it was stuffed to the brim. But I rummaged around and found my dictionary and scriptures. I commenced reading, and studying, and when we arrived in Torres, put everything away and tiredly headed for home.

        Once we arrived, I unpacked everything, and got ready for bed. My head was on the pillow when I suddenly thought "Where the heck is my wallet?" Were the heck is my wallet with 150 reals (75 American dollars) 3 debit cards, temple recommend, drivers license, and prosylitng card? Immediately I knew, in the bus, on the floor. It had fallen out when I got my scriptures and dictionary. That, or in someone else's pocket. My head left the pillow, and me knees hit the floor, I started praying that if God was going to help me, now was the time.

        The next morning, we called the bus depot, and miraculously, the bus was still there. The guy on the phone said that he would go look for it, but who knows what happened to it. 10 minutes latter we called back, and, wouldn't you know! He found it!!! And he was honest at that! He didn't pocket any of the money, didn't lie, etc. I went and picked it up….again, a giant Blessing, and a little bit of luck!

        4:30 a.m, Sunday morning, I was woken up by a loud gagging sound. My companion was on the side of his bed, 10 feet away from the toilet, vomiting his guts out. There wasn't anything I could do, and I wanted my 2 more precious hours of sleep, so I tiredly got up, mopped up his mess, and climbed back in bed. 5:30, again, but this time he made it to the toilet, thank goodness.

        The next morning I talked to the president's wife, and of course, she said, lots of liquids, and the normal. We went to church, partially because he was feeling better, but more because I needed to give my lesson. I gave it, on scriptures, it was actually a very good lesson, and I asked everyone to write on a piece of paper their last words that they would say. I collected them, and crumpled them up. Omni 1:30, Eons 1:27, Moroni 10:34 and the end of 2 Nephi chapter 33. I then illustrated how we do the same thing with the scriptures as I did with their words that they wrote from the bottom of their heart, when we reject the scriptures, and not read them.  The scriptures are our map to return to our heavenly father, we are here, but He didn't leave us alone, he gave us textbooks, so that while we take the test of life we can pass. At church, Elder Simoes met a member, Darwin, that was from Novo Hamburgo, that he was good friends with--- read on to learn more about him.

        Anyway, he pucked up his guts in the bathroom while I was giving this spiritual lesson. We went home, barely…. It was slow, every 100 feet he would stop and rest. We met some investigators on the way. They said take him to the hospital!!! But we didn't, went home and slept.

Monday he was miraculously better, and I wasn't sick as well. So we went about our day, found 2 new investigators, a young couple, that have a little bit of money, and are really classy, will return Friday. But we taught a lesson to Gabriel, a long time investigator, that has a testimony, but is coming along a little slow. We talked about the word of wisdom. I usually don't like to teach this lesson, because it seems to scare away investigators, but we taught it nonetheless, and the spirit was there.

        Corinthians 3: 16-17 talk about how our body is a temple, how we have to treat it as such. Imagine going up to a temple of god, the Rexburg Temple for instance and spray painting it, drilling holes in it, taking black paint and dropping it on the white floor in the celestial room. This is how we are. We are the temples of god. We are living in bodies that are rented. It doesn't matter if we just want to get an extra earring, drink one cup of coffee, etc, it is still bad. If I was to put a cockroach in your cake, even though its just one, would you still eat it. A little bit will affect a lot.

        I am reminded about the Dr Sues book, the cat in the hat, about the rainy day when the kids let the cat in. How one little stain ends up covering the entire house? This is how it is for us. One little smudges on our inside. One commandment that is DISOBEYED by the prophet is one small smudge that will grow, spread, and overtake, or body, or rented body, or temple.

        I am trying to send some pictures, hope it works, but I am happy to report that I got one day of skiing in this year so far!!!! Actually snow boarding, well actually sand boarding. Some missionary left a sand board in our apartment, so we went out onto some of the dunes, and went down them. IT FELT SOOOO GOOD!!!! Never had 1 smooth, round turn entered into my body like the ones I made today did---even if they were on sand…


Love you ALL!!! Jacob


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fwd: 1 Baptism! Carta de Elder Thatcher + pics, more to come a manha

Well, its out with the old and in with the new this week. We found out this morning that Elder Abdo, my beloved companion and father (I am technically his Son, because He trained me) Will be leaving, for who knows where. I will be left alone in the giant city of Torres, to try to teach my next companion everything there is to know, about our investigators, and the general layout. I am a little scared because I still don't know the city very good; the mazy, narrow, cobble stone streets just arnet easy for a small town Idaho boy to learn, but we'll see what happens. But, on the other hand, I am really excited, because it gives me one more chance to excel, learn and do a little better. I have the chance to teach my new companion what I want to; introduce him to the people I want to, etc. I have some pretty good ideas to further the missionary work, but I am still a junior, so it probably will be kind of awkward. We'll see what happens.

For the past week he has been saying goodbye to all the members, and investigators, getting and giving addresses and preparing to leave, but it wasn't until this morning that we knew for certain. He is excited and ready to move on. In his words, "I am out of ideas for this city, its time to pass it on to someone else"

So, the plan is this, tomorrow morning, at 8 we will get on the bus bound for Osorio, where I will get off and stay with Elder Cummock, whom arrived with me at the CTM. From there, Elder Abdo and the companion of Elder Cummock will go on to Porto Alegre.  Elder Cummock and our new companions will find each other, and ride the bus back to Osorio. This way we will save a little bit of money. I am excited to see elder cummock, I became good friends with him in the CTM. I am a little afraid, and curious to speak Portuguese with him, and to see how much he has learned. Out of all the people in my old district in the CTM he picked up the language the fastest and most natural.

Right now, I am in the Ian House, there are these three boys that are about the same age as Joshua, Micah and Ben. And they are acting about as stupid to. A couple of times, just for fun I have said---shut up you kids, in English, but of course they don't understand.  But they are playing one of those online computer games, and are yelling from clear across the room at each other. Brother, why do kids that age have such freaking loud voices.

Overall this week has been and excellent week. It went as follows:

Wednesday: Every Wednesday we have lunch with the member that has an English school. He is the most kicked back, easy going guy I have ever met (he takes his shoes off in sacrament and stretches out) and it's probably a good thing that he is easy going to, because I broke his roof.  At that moment, I felt like the biggest CITY SLICKER in my entire life. He has a little pen of chickens. Baby chickens were mixed in with the big ones, he asked me to try to catch the babies. I did, then he wanted some of the bigger ones to clip there wings. While I was in the process of catching them he was standing in the door way of the pen. It just so happened that he left just a big enough crack in the door to let one stupid chicken escape. It escaped and took advantage of its unclipped wings---up to the top of his old, rickety house. I kind of felt at fault, because it was I that was to clumsy to catch a simple chicken, so I volunteered to ascend to the roof to try to chase down the chicken. I scampered up, took one step and there was nothing, well, the sound of breaking fiberglass, and my foot going through, but other than that just air. No harm done to me, or my clothes, but, he had to buy 2 new pieces of fiberglass---brother, where am I from, Utah?

Thursday: Thursday is always the day that I speak a bunch of English, because we have our district meeting, and Sister Baird and I don't speak Portuguese very well, so it is always a temptation. But we had a great lesson (given by my comp) about how Satan hunts like an Eskimo. First, he digs a hole in the snow, and then he pours blood around the hole. He buries a knife, with the blade sticking up coated with blood. The wolves come, and start eating the snow around the hole. It is mixed in with the snow, so there tongue goes numb. But blood is yummy eh? They get to the knife, lick the blood off----now they have warm blood, their own! So they keep licking and licking, until they commit suicide. Do we ever let Satan do this with temptation? For lunch that day, the Bairds invited some visiting members from Canella (2 hours away) a young couple, like Rhett and Lisey, but minus the kids, (almost, shes pregnant) young members of the church are so sharp down here, they have a good spirit about them. It turns out that 4 years ago, they were living out of their car---now, they have a vacation home here in Torres (I think his occupation is in computers.)

We always eat well there. Hot bread, fillet Mion and a baked potato (the meat is WAY cheap here) afterwards, elder baird had been promising us that he would treat us to some ice-cream, so all of us went down the street to a walk-in ice-cream buffet parlor, with 100 different flavors, I ate half a kilo.

Friday: The day of the Baptism! Finally! And, even though it threatened to rain Thursday and Friday, we weren't going to let it stop us from baptizing. So we arranged (much to my disdain) to have the baptism in the capesca (caça/pesca clube) or hunting and fishing club, don't ask me why they have a hunting club here. There isn't a thing to hunt here, except little tweedy birds… But anyway, they have a swimming pool, and were willing to let us use it. So, at 7:30, 3 members from the branch, the bairds, Zilco and Neli (Neli was baptized, zilco will, eventually) and us. It was very fast and very simple, Elder Abdo had the privilege.  The whole thing was over in 30 minutes, but it was very spiritual, and fulfilling. If it had been in the ocean, I would have gotten to go in the water, to be a witness, but because it was in the swimming pool, I had a good view from the side.

Afterward, we went to the church, introduced her to Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and various other books.

Saturday: We went to Orio Do Sol to eat lunch at Irmão João and Marlis house. It is an hour away, on the bumpiest bus there ever was, but I still managed to get a little sleep. We arrived 1 hour early, so we just sat and talked, about missionary work, their life, etc. They have adopted 3 grandkids, because there parents are drugies.  We also visited this new family that we found, 1 Bolivian named German, who married a Brazilian and now has 3 kids. They are a really neat family. Elder Abdo said when we left "They will be baptized" Why I asked? "Because they have an open heart" he said. SO we will see. They weren't in church yesterday. I am a little afraid that all they want is a friendship and nothing else. We ate hotdogs at there house (pretty Brazilian eh?)

Sunday: Sunday was the best day of the week, in my opinion. The thing that makes me the most happy is when I can speak the language, and I could yesterday. As part of the "Year of the Missionary" that I talked about last week, Elder Abdo and I gave talks, so I spent basically every morning this week preparing a killer talk about missionary work. I wrote it in English, but am proud because I translated it into portugues without any help. Two minutes before we arrived to the church, Elder Abdo "suddenly" remembered to tell me that the 2nd councilor of the mission and the secretary would be there. I became pretty nervous, not only for the talk, but for the lesson.

But it turned out, the spirit pulled through for me, and I gave an excellent lesson on the importance of Prayer, and how we should not be like the people of the Ramimptum. I think everyone understood me, at least afterwards, the counselors families said "." 

We also confirmed Neli´. Irmão Marciano, the councilor in the branch confirmed her, she cried and cried, and afterwards, bore her short, but from the heart testimony. Aline and Terizinha came to church yesterday too.

I was also very happy with how my talk went. The year of the Missionary is officially underway.  It is the month of fasting and prayer. Our goal is to have 9 baptisms at the end of the year, we already have 1 (nelí) I talked about Doctrine and Covenants 65, and how the stone has been cut out of the mountain without hands, but it is WITH hands that it will roll forth throughout the whole world. I then gave the example of here in Brazil. James E Faust and the first missionaries to arrive here, 70 years ago only had 3 or 4 baptisms each year. But in 2007 there were nearly 30,000 baptisms here. The stone is officially rolling forth.

I talked about how we need to all lift were we stand (Pres Uckdorf Priesthood) and every member become a missionary (David O Mackay) I gave the statistics. There are 7 billion people in the world and 14 million missionaries. So, 1 member for every 5000 people in the world. We easily associate with this many people in a life time---and according to a story, about a person that was attacked by a bandit, and the bandit was converted, I illustrated how each one of us have a light, radiance about us, which can let us be a missionary in and of itself.

So the week was good. Pray that my new companion will not be a slacker, I will know in 24 hours

Love you all!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


carta do Elder Thatcher.... MY NEXT PDAY WILL BE MONDAY

Dear Family,

Next Pday I will recieve a new companion, so I will be in porto alegre on tuesday. As a result this MONDAY will be my p-day. So, I will not be on the computer tuesday, only monday.

Well, this week has been a one of bad weather. You all had the bad weather 2 weeks ago, this week I had the bad weather, and out of the 52 weeks in a year, it was the worst week to have it---because we had to baptize a 64 year old women in the ocean! Neli wasn't baptized this week--- the weather didn't permit (I thought I was back in Idaho for a couple days) and the waves in the ocean were almost 10 feet high. We rescheduled the baptism for Friday. Like I have said before, she has lots and lots of health problems (One of the many is kidney failure) so she has to go to dialysis 2 or 3 times a weeks. The last 2 times in a row the hospital has run out of the fluid needed for the procedure---in the middle of it! What the crap! Am I in a third world country or what?

So, the weather was a pain in the butt this week. It started Wednesday night, a steady, yet strong rain---continued all day Thursday, all day Friday, all day Saturday and until 7:00 p.m. Sunday night. The storm drainage system here in the city can't handle all the rain when it comes—I wish I would have had my camera, the man hole covers in the middle of basically every street were either off, and water gushing out onto the street, or stuck on, and water shooting out the little peak holes like old faithful. Needless to say, when it rains here, it basically shuts down this little city, of cobblestone streets, and 1 car in every 10 families. Everything and everyone was shut down…except for the missionaries. On one hand the rain is nice, because it keeps people in their house and away from the ocean, so we can have a better chance at helping them. But, on the other hand, the missionaries don't own a boat, and this is basically what we needed. I am thoroughly impressed with my Eccos (shoes) each day; they would stay dry until 3 or 4 in the afternoon. Slowly they would become soaked inside, but each day I just propped them up, put the fan right next to them, and the next morning they were good to go again (I have two pairs).

The worst day was Saturday. We had a lunch appointment with a member family that lives about 30 minutes (on a bus) away. So, at 11:00 a.m. we went to catch the bus, just before we got on, the dad called and said he would come to pick us up, and meet us in the back of one of the stores here. This was good news, because 1) it would save us 6 reals, and 2) because2 times a week they have an open air market, Saturday and Wednesday of fresh fruits and vegetables, and I was clean out of basically all food. It looked liked the rain was letting up a little bit, (this is why they held it) so we decided with our extra time, we could go buy some food. Well, just as I made my last purchase, here came the rain, in buckets, no kidding. The tarps would fill up with water, and then dump a gallon of water on an innocent passer buyer. I was lucky enough to get hit twice. So I was stuck with all my food (including 1 dozen eggs) rain, and 30 miles an hour wind, we finally made it to where he was going to pick us up—but wouldn't you know (yes Mormon standard time is international) he was late J in the mean time, my umbrella gave up, and collapsed. So we just stood there.

Well, I feel like a pansy telling this story, I have been in much worse weather in my life, but my disclaimer is this. I was in church clothes, in a foreign country, and with 30 lbs of groceries.

At the market (the fateful day) I bought some fresh milk in a coke bottle, straight from the cow. I wanted to just drink it, but through the persuasion of others (its good they did) I decided to boil it first. It is REALLY good. Here, they don't have fresh milk; they have basically powdered milk in a cardboard box, that doesn't need to be refrigerated. So, this was a big treat. I took out the grape nuts (thank you mom) and some Honey, and added the milk, and enjoyed the best meal/ snack/ desert ever invented.

Other then the rain, this week has been a good one. I mentioned last week that we are cleaning house with our investigators, it sounds harsh, but out with the old, in with the new… and we found plenty of new, young, receptive people this week 18 to be exact. Specifically, we found an awesome couple, who are 19 and 21 and have a new baby. Daniel and Carina. Daniel is from Argentina and speaks only Spanish (believe it or not, I understood him fairly well!) They were really excited, liked the message, and hopefully will go to church this week.

I kept track of the miles I walked---until Saturday with the pedometer that I received for Christmas. I walk an average each day of 10 miles…. Saturday, when my umbrella broke, my poor pedometer was exposed to all the rain, it doesn't work now.

I don't know if I mentioned it in past emails, but I had an awesome idea to dedicate this year as the missionary year in Torres. Everyone liked it, so, Sunday, we introduced the "Year of the Missionary" to the members of the branch, we started it off with a 30 day fast--- each member in the branch has the opportunity to fast 1 day for the work here in Torres. Each day during the 30 day fast, we assigned 1 missionary story within the scriptures for the branch to read. Next week, Elder Abdo and I will speak, and introduce the "Every member a missionary" principle. Our idea is to give each person in the branch a pass along card each week. It is then their challenge within the week to 'pass the card along' to one of their family members, friends, or co-workers. I think this is going to be extremely successful. Our branch needs to be united with us, I think they want to help; we just need to give them a way.

Each Sunday I teach the Principles of the Gospel class in the branch. I love to teach it, because I can gage my progression in the language each by the lesson.

My companion elder Abdo has a crazy tradition. When he had 6 months on the mission he burned a tie. When he had 1 year on a mission he burned a shirt. Yesterday was his 1 year and a half universe. What do you think he burned? A pair of pants the knot head! He put them up on a brume stick above our sink and lit them on fire--- parts of them dripped all over the sink, for the next hour he had to scrub the sink.

Not much else happened this week.

SPIRITUAL THOUGHT: I am not the judge of whether rain was good or not this week. But I do know that whenever we are about to do something good, Satan trys his absolute hardest to prevent it. At the time when we need everything to go right, Satan will make everything go wrong. Perhaps you have experienced this throughout your life. Remember Job, how he never gave up. God will not test us more then we can endure. So if we will perceiver until the end, the storms will clear, and we will reap the reward of persistence and dedication.

Love you all!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fwd: Carta de Elder Thatcher 30-12-08

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacob Thatcher <elderjthatcher@myldsmail.net>
Date: Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 9:36 AM
Subject: Carta de Elder Thatcher 30-12-08

Dear Family and Friends

Well, I successfully made it through one Christmas! One down, one to go, Sounds like you made it through, even with lots of snow--so that was sweet, maybe your just finally starting to get plowed out. What could be a better present then a bunch of snow Christmas Eve, Christmas day, and the day after Christmas? Maybe it would have been nicer without the wind, but this is almost impossible in Rexburg. Do you know why it is always blowing in Idaho???? Because Utah sucks... :) That is my one famous joke. That and the dehydrated Frenchman joke :)

I am so sorry about the deaths this week; I am so shocked to hear about Gale Hunter and Cody Jacobson. I pray for their families.

So Christmas morning, and Christmas day, was basically like any other day--except for the phone call. It's just hard to take Christmas seriously without snow, hot chocolate, and of course, family and friends. I woke up, went around, and did my usual things, then sat down and opened my presents. What a treat, thank you everyone! I have never had so much candy and sweets in my life. Believe me, I am eating a bunch, but, I am also letting these Brazilians enjoy some real, American doce :)

Every Thursday, we have our district meeting at the Bairds house, so at 9:30, just like any other week we went there and had our meeting. Afterwards, Elder Baird and I copied half the book of Mormon on a CD for Terizinha. She is really busy, and can't see the letters really well, so we gave her some B.O.M cd´s for Christmas. In the meantime, Elder and Sister Watts, another senior couple arrived from Porto Alegre (3 hours away) to eat dinner with us. We had ham, baked potatoes, beans, rice, and bread. So it was an o.k. dinner, but wasn't as good as dads giant omelets Christmas morning. We sat and talked, us and the 4 old farts until 2:00, when I was supposed to call mom. Then when I tried on the Bairds "Vonage phone" which goes through the internet, just like Skype or msn, it didn't work... wouldn't you know, it works every day of the year, but Christmas morning, the one time I can talk to my parents it doesn't work (Murphy's law) It was to good to be true to be able to call for free. So I attempted the land line-- of course, the Bairds didn't have the right phone package. To make a long, boring story short, we tried all morning to call. Finally, I contacted mom on the internet, and she called me, what a fun conversation, a pain in the butt to call, nothing more then would be expected I guess, to call 8000 miles away, but it was all worth it!
And, during the conversation, I decided that I am forgetting English, and don't know Portuguese yet.

After this, we delivered a couple of presents and called it a day.

Every Friday we have lunch at Irmão Marciano's house in Santa Catarina, because I never got to talk to Dad Thursday, the only time that I could do it was during the long walk there and back (1.5 hours each way) So, we went to a local pharmacy and asked them if they knew anyway I could call the United States. They said that there was a special international calling house around the block. We went there, and after a couple trys, I successfully talked, for a total of 6 minutes (according to the people, but it was less, still, they charge me 20 reals!!! or 10 bucks!) but it was all worth it because they called me back and we had a good conversation.

You all sound good, and I was pleased to know that you were anxious to get off the phone to go skiing; it shows you have your priorities in order :) I would do the same thing if I had the chance to ski 18 inches of snow on a blue bird day!

SIDE NOTE: These dumb high school kids that are working here at the Ian House. They have the worst English music turned up, blasting in our ears. I´d like to kick there butts, they have no idea what the words are saying, but they worship the horrible music. Sometimes I talk to them in English, but they don't know it, I just mutter things like `you nerd`, or other insults, but they don't hear and they don't understand... I guess it's the natural man in me.

Yesterday we found a new family, they are members of the Quadrangular Evangelho, or basically a four square evangelical church, and live it to the "T" They have a very humble house, but it is clean and orderly, and were happy, excepting, and had very open hearts. The spirit was really strong in their house, and I am excited to teach the family again. At the end of the lesson Elder Abdo asked, do you know anyone else we could teach? He said yes, his father, and he would like to go with us to teach him... our pleasure!!! Other then this success story, the work has been very, very slow. The population has skyrocketed here in Torres; it doesn't even look like the same city. People are everywhere; it's like a boom town in the olden days. We have seen cars from Argentina, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro. I wouldn't be surprised to find someone from a "1M" or "1T" :) Elder Abdo and I did a test yesterday while we were walking on one of the busier streets; we tried to find 3 parked cars in a row with a Torres license plate. In 20 minutes of walking we did it twice!! So needless to say, the people that are at home, are not from here, and don't want to hear to missionaries. Imagine, travelling to California or Florida, on vacation, would you let us in? So, the only people that are from here are using this time of year, this tourism to make all their money for the next year. They are all working on the beach.
       We are also "Cleaning House" more or less this week. We are sadly cutting some long time investigators that just aren't progressing. In a way it's relieving, finally we can move on, start fresh, and finds some new, excited people, ready to receive the gospel of Christ, but in another way, it's sad, we have made good friends along the way, almost like family, and it's sad to just say goodbye... but when they just aren't ready what can you do?

I have been thinking about our investigators that we have cut, and how they missed their chance, for now, and even possibly for eternity. Remember the story in Luke 8 about the sick women, which had faith enough that she knew if she could touch that robes of Christ, she could be cured? While Christ was passing, she touched, and she was healed. It was a split second only that Christ was passing. She was ready, she seized the opportunity. Comparatively, we must be ready, we must take advantage of every moment we have, because it may be the last, Acquaintances come and go, opportunities pass, seasons fade, kids grow up, the snow melts and time treks on, so we must not delay our actions, not save for tomorrow what we can do today. Our investigators only have so long to seize the opportunity to be saved, to join the church.  If they don't exercise their faith and let US pass by, they never know the next opportunity they will have... if any

Sorry, I forgot my camera cable this week…. No pictures

Love you Lots! Jacob

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Fwd: Carta da Natal de Elder Thatcher

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jacob Thatcher <elderthatcher@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 9:11 AM
Subject: Carta da Natal de Elder Thatcher
To: Sam Hansen <cliffhucker@gmail.com>, suzy summers <suzysumm@gmail.com>, shansummers@gmail.com, Micah Thatcher <skiaton@gmail.com>, Suzy <suzy@ida.net>, Rhett Summers <summercofarms@gmail.com>, dmhansen@ida.net, Hannah Thatcher <isavethewhales@gmail.com>, gordon@beardstclair.com, gramlaree@gmail.com, "Knight, Leanna" <kni07001@byui.edu>, wes07006@byui.edu, Bryce Thatcher <runmts@ida.net>

Dear family,

Well it's another week, I´ve already been in the mission 4 months! It is the week before Christmas, although if I didn't look at the calendar every day I wouldn't know. Every day is hotter and more humid here. If it wasn't for the constant wind I would already be dead J

From the reports I've received from there at home it sounds like it's shaping up to be a good Christmas. Perhaps the Best news worth noting is the snow that you received, it finally came!  It must not be too shabby because it was good enough to make it on the news 17,000 kilometers away! Last night we were in a member's house having family home evening (will tell the story latter), one of the members was watching TV and there on the screen was a report about all the snow they were having in the west (it was showing pictures of Michigan) everyone couldn't believe all the snow… I told them it was normal J where I lived and that my family and friends were skiing on it right now!

Well, this week has been a different week than normal. Thursday we had our zone conference in Porto Alegre, so we left here in Torres at 7:00 for Porto Alegre. Normally it is a 4 hour ride, but this time we rode on the more expensive "Executive class

                   Normally it is a 4 hour ride, but this time we rode on the more expensive "Executive class" buss, so it was only 2 and a half. Like always I tried to stay awake and enjoy the view, but it was impossible and I ended up sleeping most of the way

SIDE NOTE: I am about to go insane… I am sorry, but I hate computers, I have been through 4 computers today, each one has a different problem. The last three have either not had Microsoft word, internet not worked or not recognized my iPod. Currently there is a stupid 17 or 18 year old kid that seems to have more energy than anyone in this world running around the lan house like he is drunk, singing to himself, laughing, and being an idiot in general… brother… so with this disclaimer, I will try as hard as I can to write a letter from my heart this week full of spiritual content J

So anyway, we arrived in Porto Alegre. This zone conferenance was a special Christmas, combined zone conference with 4 other zones in attendance, so we had it in one of the stake centers. Elder Cummock, my buddy from the CTM was there, but nobody else from my old district was. The first 2 hours were talks, and musical numbers. Afterwards I received 6 packages! It was pretty sweet; luckily I brought an extra giant trash bag, and stuffed them all in. who sent a package? I am not sure I received them all. 5 were from mom, one was from gram Laree, all others I will more than likely not receive for 6 weeks, the next zone conference.

                I didn't have the privilege of opening them right away, infact not until 3 days after. From Porto Alegre I went to Gravataí, another area (enclosed are some pictures) with Elder Do Naciemento, (if you remember 6 weeks ago he came here and did a division with Me.) the Zone Leader, This time It was my turn to go to his area, his companion, elder Eller went back with my companion elder Abdo to Torres. The bus ride to Gravataí was the craziest one I have had in my life. I gave my packages to Elder Eller to take back to our apartment, and I took his for him, to giant boxes. One top of this I had my bulging backpack, elder do naciemento had a case of books of Mormons and another box filled with pamphlets, etc. So imagine two missionaries getting on a city bus with all this stuff. Of course, the bus was WAY full; we got on, and stood up, with the boxes for the 1 hour trip. That was an adventure.

                The rest of the trip was overall fairly uneventful… Oh, I take that back, I witnessed for the first time the true gift of tongues, we taught this family, that was a referral of another member, Elder Do Nacimento didn't know what part of the lesson I was accustomed to, so he started talking, then all of a sudden, he stopped, right at the part of the apostasy, and restoration of the gospel. In my opinion these are the hardest parts, I have done these parts a couple times, but each time I didn't have the vocabulary to effectively tell the story, so I had just been giving my same old part, but this time I was forced to do the restoration. All of a sudden I was talking, and it was making sense, the family understood the questions, it was awesome, flowed well, didn't have any stumbling etc. I was way gaulded at first that Elder Do Nacimento would do that to me, but afterwards I was really thankful!

                So Saturday morning Elder Do Nacimento and I got up and made the long trip to Torres again. Again, I slept the whole way. We arrived at lunch time, so we went to our apartment and ate lunch. I made creamed corn sauce (Gram Laree's recipe… I think) on top of rice, with some fried corn tortillas, with a pear and yogurt. Pretty good ehh??? The only thing that could have made it better was to substitute the rice for potatoes. And this would have been the case, we would have had baked potatoes that I cooked before the zone conference, if I hadn´t had cooked them for 9 hours… I promise, I turned off the stove, but for some reason, the propane kept on going…. Attached is a picture of the outcome….whoops. Anyway, afterward I was re-united with my beloved companion Elder Abdo. Elder Do Nacimento is pretty cool, he likes to talk, and sometimes doesn't know when to talk, or when to let the spirit talk. But other than that he is way cool.

                If all goes good we will have a baptism this Friday in the ocean. I don't know if I have already told you about Zilco and Neli. They are an old couple, in their 60´s, Elder Abdo found them before I came. All of a sudden 2 weeks ago Neli, the woman had a change of heart, she wants to be baptized!!! She has lots and lots of health problems, an ulcer, kidney failure, etc, so her dialysis is this Thursday. PRAY HARD that she will feel up to the baptism this Friday. If not Friday it will be next week.

                Another family that needs your help is Terizinha (the mom), Aline and Daniel; I attached a picture (excuse the nudity) I didn't realize she was nursing when I took it. For some reason I feel extra close to this family, I want more than anything for them to accept the church and be happy; there family is having lots of problems.  Terizinha and Aline come to church ever single week. I think Aline will be baptized within the next month or so (maybe I will have the privilege J , but Terizinha and Generino first have to get married in order for them to get married. I would, have, and will do anything to make this happen. But unfortunately I can't give them the will, and this is what they are lacking. PRAY for them.

                I think, last night we had a break through with them, however. FHE is a pain in the butt here, people never show up, and it is usually at Elder Bairds, which is not a real family home evening in my opinion, and so, I had the idea last week to have it at a part member family´s house, Simone and Louis. They have their family up for Christmas, and they are members. So, yesterday, Aline Terizinha and Daniel came (Generino is too busy…I will explain what doing in the next para) Aline had said the night before that she can't because she has to work, but I prayed extra hard, and what do you know? She came! We had a very good lesson on the restored gospel (Elder Abdo and I) and afterwards had SMORES!!! Compliments of me J I went and bought chocolate, something kind of similar to marshmallows, and some crackers. It was a hit, everyone loved them. We cooked them on their stove. I think everyone had two or three J I was kind of worried that they would not like them, because I gave some Red vines to my Class at Church and they all said it tasted like Paste de Dentes (toothpaste) Brazilians have weird taste buds, they hate peanut butter! Infact, it is almost impossible to find it here.

                So why wasn't Generino there? Because he thinks working is more important then everything in this whole freakin world! Brother. I can't be to mad, because the people here have to survive on hardly nothing here, and how can you be frustrated for a man trying his best to put meat on the table and a roof over his families head? Like I said in the last letter, everyone is renting their house for this summer, so This family is moving into their garage to rent their house, He has been slaving away the last week trying to convert their garage into a house.

                So here is the part where I ask all of your opinion, and I am serious too. The thing that is postponing their baptism, and in reality, their happiness, is marriage (I think). But they don't want to get married because they don't want to get married and have problems. Marriage won't fix everything, but it will help their relationships, and unite the family. How do I give them the faith to take the step into marriage? Do you think it's wise they get married on unstable ground? It costs 80 dollars to get married, should we pay for it?

                Spiritual Thought: Like I said everyone is working here in Torres. I will guess that it's about the same thing back home. If not working everyone is way busy having fun, making ski turns, etc. Remember when Mary and Joseph came into Bethlehem they couldn't find any room in any of the inns? All of the people rejected them, and Jesus, the Son of God. They could not find places, space, room for them in the houses. We sometimes do the same thing. We get so busy that we reject Jesus Christ the same way the innkeepers did. We do not have space enough for him in our lives. Ironically, we have the least space for him at the time of year when we should have the most. Don't reject the Savior like the innkeepers did in Bethlehem. Find space. And the lord has promised that if we do, he will open up the windows of heaven, that we will not have room enough to receive them. He will bless us; help us with our trials, etc. But we first have to accept him, so let him in.


Love you all, Merry Christmas!
